31 January 2017

Festering In The Wind

Living in the darkness
Devoid of truth
Horses with blinders on
The blind leading the blind
Ego takes hold of the soul
Defects burning like hot coals
Greed, envy and hate
Festering in the wind
Need to let go of negativity
Forgive others and ourselves
Or else be damned
The cat is warm and furry
I feel the purring heartbeat
Given to me for comfort
So I do not feel alone
A gift from the gods
As is the blonde
With full beautiful lips
And luscious soft skin
Engaging me in her orbit
Our souls entwining
I will venture into the night
The cool crisp air will engulf me
As I seek her out for comfort
The alcohol easing my anxiety
The day's concerns fading to dust
All tension and illness swept away
It is in the wind
She makes me whole again