13 March 2005

The Heart Of The Beast----Page 18

Run with a sense of passion, determination,
and purpose. Under a cloudless sky. The goal
is a sense of peace. A last winded gasp in
search of communion. I have been lost in
a maze of reason desperately searching for a
rational exit. Perhaps the best escape is not
of the mind but of the heart.
There was an empire. An empire smeared
with hatred. A culture at its peak, almost
negated by the lust of control. But the virtues
remain in place. Calling to the offspring of
freedom. At times it seems as if the words
of the past have no impact. But the children
can hear. The children can feel. The children
can know and use the knowledge to guide
them to a better day.
Love sometimes got the better of me.
Love takes strength of purpose or it is not
worth the effort. Many people search for
the easy route. The simple path is easily
corrupted by the worst intentions. But taking
a stand involves risk. One should be prepared
to die for love if that is what it takes.
Death is certain regardless. Timing is of
the essence.
I sensed you had the truth in your
hands. I trusted the look in your eye. And
I was never disappointed. Always ready to
release yesterday for the sake of tomorrow,
I stand waiting for the call to action. And
if the call never comes I will die in
peace knowing that I answered the call in the