30 September 2012

My Forbidden Book

My forbidden book has words and images 
A forbidden poetry that speaks to the soul 
A forbidden angel who haunts my dreams 
A renegade sensibility lost in the desert
of a no man's land 
I want to make an impact on my world 
Let the powers that be know who I am 
A force to be reckoned with 
A cascading fountain of life and art 
I can see the burning feelings in your face 
Existing beyond the lens 
Interpreted through the word 
At play with light and shadow 
Tied up with what we say to each other 
I see something inside of you 
I listen to what you express to me 
Make love to the avant garde 
Feel the tension of my conviction 
The beauty remains hidden behind the mask 
Show me which feelings betray our humanity 
My angel transcends time and space 
She inspires words and captures the light 
She is poetry in motion 
I can feel the rhythms 
of her young life 
Make sense of her graceful gaze 
She brings me to the end of my journey 
Takes me by the hand and leads me 
to a new dawn