30 November 2015

A Silhouette In The Crimson Shadows, Part 2

An act of drunken fate
Brought us together
Through the darkened streets
Lit up by your smile
The touch of your hair
The feel of your soft skin
Enveloped in the night
Beginning our intimacy
The meeting of our souls once again
Hearts and minds fused
Things would never be the same between us
Sharing your room
Sharing the bed that smelled like you
Enclosed by the walls that enclosed you
And now we were enclosed by our love
We spoke of our pasts
The joy and the pain
The serenity and the horror
The wildness and the passion
I fed off of your energy
Infinity intersected the room
As if everything between us was meant to be
We spoke of life and death
Of suicide and hope
As we talked the sun rose
Casting its beams on us through the grayness of morning
I told you I never wanted you to leave
And you said you knew