31 July 2016

Let Us Drink To Loneliness Some Other Night

Facial recognition
Including your eyes
Standing there above me
No need for lies
Tethered together forever
Eternity is a long fucking time
Why so many lines?
Happenstance surrounds our lives
Let us drink to loneliness some other night
Wrestling with you during the morning light
Why do you bite your nails?
To cover up your crimes?
I would rather be here with you
No need for names or games
Dance with me in the street
So dark and alone
We own it
I cut out early last time
Nausea took hold of me
Outside it was so cold
You are so bold and take hold
The streets will lead me back to you
Like Henry and Anais
Blood and vomit on the sidewalk
Waiting to be washed away
Urine in the gutter
I knew her once
"Don't try" is what Hank said
It is there or not